速報APP / 健康塑身 / Hypnosis For No More Smoking

Hypnosis For No More Smoking



檔案大小:14.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Hypnosis For No More Smoking(圖1)-速報App

Maybe this is the first time that you want to stop smoking, or perhaps, you have tried

before to quit smoking.

We are educated by the medical professions about the dangers of smoking and yet giving up

smoking is still for many smokers very difficult.

Tamsin Cooper has helped thousands of people to stop smoking in her 20 years in hypnosis

and will now help you to quit the nicotine habit too. Her soft voice will take you into a state

of relaxation where you will become open to the suggestions that you can be a non smoker,

that you can be a successful stop smoker, and that you can enjoy the rest of your life smoke


Hypnosis For No More Smoking(圖2)-速報App

Tamsin is a successful Professional Hypnotherapist and runs a busy Hypnotherapy practice

in Bedfordshire, England, her clients have been mainly UK based, but now she is reaching

out with her powerful Stop Smoking hypnosis meditation to help you too.

Also included with your download is a free hypnosis meditation, 31 Ways to a Happier Mind

and Body packed full of life changing coping mechanisms and strategies to help you to deal

with many of life’s issues including stress, anxiety, confidence and much more, plus you can

also download more of her self help audio hypnotherapy available as inApp purchases.

Using the very best in sound production it is recommended to listen to your stop smoking

hypnosis meditation with earphones or headphones, so, just download, make yourself

Hypnosis For No More Smoking(圖3)-速報App

comfortable, close your eyes and allow yourself to make this positive life change.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad